Student Advisory
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 24th @6pm
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is the Student Advisory Committee?
A: The Student Advisory Committee is a group of Redlands Adult School students who meet to discuss topics related to our school, provide input and ideas on how to improve our school, as well as represent the student body.
Q: Why should I join the Student Advisory Committee?
A: Not only will you be providing valuable input to create positive changes at our school, but you will be part of a team of other Redlands Adult School students. This will look great on your resume as many employers seek individuals who can collaborate and work in teams, communicate with others, and are involved in community activities. If that didn't convince you, members of the Student Advisory Committee can also earn elective credits toward their High School diploma by participating!
Q: Who can join the Student Advisory Committee?
A: ANY student who is currently taking classes at Redlands Adult School can join the Student Advisory Committee.
Q: What is the commitment of a student on the advisory committee?
A: Members of the Student Advisory Committee will be required to meet once a month and report back to their class with updates, events, and news related to Redlands Adult School. Students can earn elective credits by participating and following through on required tasks.
Q: I'm a virtual student, can I still be a part of the Student Advisory Committee?
A: YES! Student Advisory Committee is also on Zoom! Zoom link is emailed to students.
Q: Who can I contact if I have further questions about the Student Advisory Committee?
A: You can contact Principal, Troy Martinez at (909) 748-6930 or email